October 20, 2023

Day 3 - 

1345 Ave. Lalonde, Montréal, QC H2L 5A9

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Nicola Giannini (ca/it)

Nicola Giannini is an electroacoustic music composer based in Montreal. His practice focuses on immersive music, both acousmatic and live. His works have been presented in North America, South America and Europe. He received the first prize at the 2019 JTTP competition organized by the Canadian Electroacoustic Community and an honorable mention at the XII Fundación Destellos competition. He was also a finalist in the 2018 Città di Udine competition. Originally from Italy, he is a doctoral student under the supervision of Robert Normandeau at the Université de Montréal, where he is also a research assistant at the Groupe de recherche en immersion spatiale (GRIS) and a lecturer.


Rebonds (2021) 13’

Rebonds is a playful piece that explores the boundaries between rhythm, pitch, texture, and space. The work is inspired by the rhythmic figure of the rebound, a recurrent figure in electroacoustic music, characterized by the repetition of an element at a progressively increasing speed. The goal is to create sound choreographies, exploring sound spatialization possibilities. The work was composed at the Université de Montréal and during a residency at the Sporobole art center in Sherbrooke.

In October 2022, the piece won the Micheline-Coulombe-Saint-Marcoux prize during the first edition of the AKOUSMAtique competition.

Photo  : Louis Cummins

Bénédicte (ca)

Maxime Gordon is a Montreal based interdisciplinary artist working primarily in sound and music. She has been releasing and writing experimental electronic music as Bénédicte since 2017. Her music combines soaring synths, distorted field-recordings and glittering vocal samples to explore moments of introspection and feeling.

She has performed and presented work at venues and festivals across North America and Europe such as MUTEK (Montreal), the Spatial Sound Institute (Budapest), MONOM (Berlin), Eastern Bloc x Nuit Blanche (Montreal), and Glory Affairs x Punctum (Prague).

Her most recent album is the 5 track EP When It Binds that came out on NYC-based record label Blueberry Records in 2021. She is currently writing a new album and hosting soundwalks around Montreal.



Halves, Shoals (2023) 15’50

World premiere

Photo  : Sean Vadaru

Elias Merino (es)

Elías Merino is a composer, sonic artist and researcher based in Madrid. His practice includes installation, composition, and live performance. His work drifts from algorithmic abstract computer music, to contemporary unusual electronics, and instrumental music; and explores time-perspective shifting, fractured narratives, immersive contemplation, states of bewilderment, otherness, and the uncanny.

He is also interested in different approaches related with speculative futures and fiction, post-digital materiality, object-oriented composition, and Posthumanities. Combining his personal activity, he is involved in collaborative projects. Elías is one half of the audiovisual duo SYNSPECIES w/ Tadej Droljc and half of Grievous Bodily Harmonics w/ Rian Treanor.

His work has been exhibited across Japan, the US, UK, Spain, France, Czech Republic, South America, Serbia, Turkey, Romania, Italy, Canada, Germany, South Korea, Portugal, Taiwan, Sweden, Poland, Finland or The Netherlands. He has performed in festivals and venues such Sónar Festival (Barcelona and Istambul) MUTEK (Montreal and Mexico),  Philharmonie de Paris (NEMO Biennale), L.E.V. Festival, Semibreve, Cafe OTO, Lunchmeat Festival, HCMF (Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival), Sonica Glasgow, MNAC - National Museum of Contemporary Art Romania, La Casa Encendida, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Matadero Madrid, or MNCARS to mention a few. His recorded albums have been released on different labels including Room40 or SUPERPANG among others.

Elías Merino holds a Masters Degree in sonic arts and PhD in composition at CeReNeM (Centre for Research in New Music).



Synthesis of Unlocated Affections: empathy distress (2023) 30’

#thingness #xenorepresentation #presence #brutalistmateriality #uncanny #defamiliarisation #postdigitalontology #noornamentation #elasticity #wrongsublime #unitary #disafection #partiallyconnectedessentiallyisolated #displacingtheemitter #selftransformation #unusualemergentqualities #othernes