September 21, 2023

De Natura Sonorum

Talk with Yves Daoust at 7:30 pm / Concert at 8:00 pm

As part of Akousma’s Musique Concrète Days 

In collaboration with the Conservatoire de musique de Montréal
4750, Av. Henri-Juilien

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Bernard Parmegiani

French composer born October 27th 1927, died November 21st 2013 in Paris.

The majority of his highly diverse body of work is dedicated to electroacoustic music, of which he is one of the pioneers. Forever in search of new sound material, he experimented throughout his 80-strong corpus of concert pieces with new and original production techniques to highlight the multiple aspects of the nature of sound. He also wrote “applied” works for radio, television, cinema, ballet, advertising and the stage, as well as opening and end credits and jingles such as the one for Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport.
(more on the official website of Bernard Parmegiani)

Yves Daoust

One of the pioneers of electroacoustic music in Quebec, Daoust is one of the most active composers in the field in Canada and is perhaps the senior exponent of the anecdotal (concrete/collage) approach to composition. He has been strongly influenced by cinema in his creative output, and uses material from film, stage, multimedia events, radio and concert works in his music. He describes himself as "figurative," preferring natural sounds, sound archives and musical quotations to aid his visual approach to composition. He draws extensively on sound materials from everyday life (such as children's voices, street scenes) in his electroacoustic music but is also concerned with the integration of acoustic instruments with tape. His music reflects a sense of humour and a certain nostalgia (Adagio, Fantaisie), but is also, at times, overtly political in its expression of Quebec nationalism (Ouverture).

Daoust founded and runs the electroacoustic composition program at the Conservatoire de musique du Québec à Montréal. He is also an administrator for the Composers, Authors and Publishers Association of Canada, the Association pour la création et la recherche électroacoustiques du Québec (ACREQ, which he helped create in 1978 and for which he was artistic director 1983-7 and 1989-91), and the Canadian Music Council, and a broadcaster and concert organizer. He is a member of the Canadian League of Composers, a founding member of the Canadian Electroacoustic Community, and an associate of the Canadian Music Centre.

(The Canadian Encyclopedia, s.v. "Yves Daoust," by Evan Ware, and David Olds, Accessed September 13, 2023)


Bernard Parmegiani: De Natura Sonorum (1975)
Spaitailized by Yves Daoust

  • 1.1. incidences / résonances (4:00)
  • 1.2. accidents / harmoniques (4:46)
  • 1.3. géologie sonore (4:34)
  • 2.1. dynamique de la résonance (2:53)
  • 2.2. étude élastique (6:42)
  • 2.3. conjugaison du timbre (5:05)
  • 3.1. incidences / battements (1:43)
  • 3.2. natures éphémères (4:08)
  • 3.3. matières induites (3:44)
  • 3.4. ondes croisées (2:01)
  • 3.5. pleins et déliés (4:39)
  • 4.1. points contre champs (8:31)

« The first series is made up of six movements, most of which connect, generally in pairs, electronic sounds with instrumental and more rarely concrete sounds (...). The second series of movements calls more on concrete sounds and electronics, while the instrumental appears very ephemerally. » (B. P.) - Premiered at Salle Wagram, Paris, on June 3, 1975.

Bernard Parmegiani talks with Réjean Beaucage - Rien à voir (3), 1998.
Photo: Luc Beauchemin

Photo: Alice Perrin, 2022